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Builders of a
better working

At Prime Consultancy, our purpose is Building a better working world. The insights and quality services that we provide help build confidence and trust in the capital markets and in economies around the world.

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Prime Consultancy offers our services to multinational corporations, publicly listed corporations, organisations in the public sector, and small and medium size corporations across all industries, backed by decades of direct industry experience. At the core of our process is the concept of Kaizen.

Prime Consultancy follows the principle that big results don’t always come from big changes. Sometimes, continuous, steady improvement delivers lasting success. And sometimes, more immediate steps are needed to get a company back on track.

Put routine client-facing workflows on autopilot

Prime Consultancy helps world-class companies build and run industry-specific client onboarding workflows.


Streamline your business today.

how we can help you see new opportunities to reframe your organisation and create long-term value.

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